About Us
Korea Investment & Securities America, Inc. (“The Firm”) is a SEC registered broker dealer and a FINRA member. The Firm is a wholly owned subsidiary of Korea Investment & Securities US Inc. (“KISUS’) which is 100% owned by Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (“KIS”), a regulated broker dealer in Korea and an ultimate parent company of the Firm. Currently, the Firm provides execution services on Korean securities for US based institutional investors via KIS utilizing SEC 15a-6(a)(3) arrangement. The Firm's New York based office operates as a leading introducing broker dealer. The Firm helps its clients meet their needs in accessing the Korean securities markets by combining the securities brokerage and research expertise in a prompt and satisfactory way.
Sep. 1990
Apr. 2000
Apr. 2002
May. 2005
Oct. 2010
Dec. 2012
Aug. 2021
Dongwon Securities New York Representative Office started operations
New York office elevated to local corporation
Office moved to Fort Lee, NJ after 911
Name changed to Korea Investment & Securities America, Inc.
Office moved to Midtown, NYC
Capital Increase (3mil USD -> 6mil USD)
Ownership changed (KIS – KISA => KIS – KIS US – KISA)
Check the background of this Firm on FINRA’s Broker Check
Locate the report required under SEC Rule 606 on KISA's Rule 606 Report